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Alabama Renaissance Faire 
Elementary and Middle School Art Contest

Art Contest (K-6)

To add to the Renaissance Month celebration, the Alabama Renaissance Faire sponsors an art contest (not a poster contest) for students in grades K-6.


Winning artwork is displayed during the faire at the Kennedy-Douglass Center for the Arts at 217 E. Tuscaloosa Street

(located across the street behind the food vendors).

The rules for this competition are as follows:

Submission Guidelines

1. Art in any one-dimensional medium is eligible (e.g. pencil, pen and ink, charcoal, watercolor, acrylics), but no sculpture, ceramic piece, model is permitted.

2. The entry must relate to the Medieval/Renaissance period. Some examples are:
    a. Famous people of the period (Michelangelo, da Vinci, Shakespeare, Queen Elizabeth I).        
    b. Fantasy creatures (dragons, unicorns, fairies, trolls).
    c. Life during Medieval/Renaissance times (knights, peasants, nobility, castles).


3. The size of any entry must not exceed 22″ x 28″.

4. The student’s name, grade and school MUST appear on the BACK of the entry. 

5. Entries must be received by Tuesday, October 1, 2024

    Each school may submit TEN (10) entries per division (K, 1-3, 4-6), the total not to exceed 30        entries. Teachers are encouraged to display unsubmitted artwork at their schools. 


All entries must be delivered (e-mail for appointment) or mailed to:

Billy Warren

City-County Government Building

102 South Court Street, 2nd Floor

Florence, AL 35630


Student work will be judged in three separate divisions: Kindergarten, grades 1-3, and

grades 4-6. In keeping with the spirit of the competition, each winner (first, second, and third place in each division) will receive a handsome book to add to his/her personal library. Several honorable mentions will also be awarded.

2023 Contest Winners

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